Unless you are British by descent, to become a UK citizen you have to apply to the Home Office through the process of British Naturalisation. With British citizenship, you can apply for a British passport, vote, and live and work in the UK free from immigration controls.

You are of good character

You have sufficient knowledge of life in the UK

You have sufficient knowledge of the English language

You intend to make the UK your permanent home

UK Naturalisation Visa

Illustration of UK flag

Requirement of Naturalisation Visa

  • Be over 18.
  • Prove you were in the UK exactly 5 years before the day the Home Office receives your application.
  • Prove your knowledge of English, Welsh or Scottish Gaelic.
  • Have passed the life in the UK test.
  • Intend to continue living in the UK.
  • Be of good character - read the naturalisation guidance.

Can I apply for British Citizenship straight after ILR?

If you are married to a British citizen, you can apply for British Citizenship by Naturalisation as soon as you have been granted Indefinite Leave to Remain. You will need to satisfy all of the other requirements for British Citizenship by Naturalisation outlined above. If you are not married to a British citizen, you will need to have been free of immigration time restrictions for at least 12 months immediately preceding the date of your application. This means that you will be eligible to apply for British Citizenship by Naturalisation 12 months after being granted ILR.

How many days can I stay outside the UK for British Citizenship?

In order to qualify for UK Citizenship, you will need to have spent not more than 90 days outside the UK during the 12 month period immediately before the date of your application for British Citizenship by Naturalisation. If you are not married to a British citizen, you will also need to have not been away from the UK for more than 450 days days during the preceding 5 years. If you are married to a British citizen, you will need to have spent not more than 270 days outside the UK in the previous 3 years.

What is the good character requirement for British Citizenship?

The British Nationality Act 1981 requires any person who wishes to naturalise as a British Citizen to be of ‘good character’. ‘Good character’ is not defined in the Act, but Home Office nationality policy guidance explains how the ‘good character’ requirement will be assessed. This contains a non-exhaustive list of conduct that will mean that an applicant is not of ‘good character’ including criminality, terrorism, financial soundness, notoriety, deception and dishonesty and immigration-related matters.

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